Mon 27 Jan
ɪɲ📲 Çย๓👀ɱє 🇩ʌɗɗɣ ɪ ʛєt єҳtɾʌ💦รʅơppɣ ɱʌʛɪc💋ʅɪpร ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ🌊ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 😱ⓖⓡⓘⓟⓩ pơɾɲơ รt⛦ɾ tɾɪckร - 28
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway /Bruckner Ave)
XOTIC EBONY DREAM. I'm FULL of appeal and enjoy making EVERY moment °•★•° FUN and RELAXING°•★•° - 24
(Bronx, New England Thruway)
T✪TAL ❌👊👊👊 KN✪CK✪uT 👊👊👊❌✨🚨👄👑 €xotic BeautY👑 💋✌Ppls Choice ➓ *😍 $PL$ - 25
(Bronx, Southern Blvd close to train incalls)
reviewed attractive classy exotic chic seeking regulars 60 specials for labor day - 22
(Columbus, cmh)
★☆《《HOT Hatiain/Cuban Mix SPECIALS》》☆★ 786-400-9558 - 20
(Orange County, Garden Grove, CA /Trask Ave. near Harbor)
Hot Busty 48DDDs Beauty New Girl In Town Lets Have Some Fun - 42
(Orange County, Westminster Right Off The 405)
♻⚪🔴JÓVEN ♻🔴⚪♻🔴⚪ Hermosa ♻🔴⚪♻🔴⚪ INDEPENDIENTE ♻🔴⚪♻🔴⚪CAUCÁSICO - 23
(Memphis, ♻🔴⚪♻🔴⚪♻ NUEVO VIDEO ♻🔴⚪♻🔴⚪♻)
(( Real pics Real Deal )) ** Sweet Sexy hott,& Ready Blonde Treat** All Yours , ( Highly Reviewed) - 24
(Columbus, N.)
HOT🔥NATIVE AMERICAN Beauty👄🎂🍰SWEET ALISA J. Visiting👄🍓🍉 Juicy @ZZ💦💦GREAT Reviews Available - 25
(getwell and I-240, Memphis)
Tall, Sexy, Leggy Beauty Ready 2 Take All UR Stress Away!NO TEXTING! PHONE CALLS ONLY! No Black Men! - 37
100% NEW SEXY GIRLS ▬⬛❎❎❎❎❎❎⬛▬▬ SUPER▃▃G〇〇D▃▃MUST▃▃TRY▃ 📕⬛❎❎❎❎❎❎⬛▃▃ CRYSTAL SPA ▬▬ ⬛❎❎❎❎❎⬛ - 23
(Eastern Shore, 💫💋💫 302-502-2392 💋 Wilmington DE 💋)
💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 NEw 😘💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 CuRvy BoDy 💕 💚🎀💚❤ - 20
(Kenosha / Racine, Where you wanna be)
Hi im Roxy your massage therapist😉Im new here come check me out papi im here 24/7 - 25
(All area to you, Memphis)
-------- Gorgeous petite 😘 and Sexy Latina Girl......💝💞 - 24
(Costa Mesa, 915 fwy anahen. Fullerton. Buenapark)
----New --> cute face, slim waist, long legs, soft skin, plush lips, and juicy booty
(Houston/ galleria)
MAIN ATTRACTION ★ 80 in call ★ 100 outcall ★ EARLY Bird SPECIAL ★ APPLE Bottom EBONY 38C ★ - 32
(Long Beach, NORWALK 605 exit ROSECRANS 323 609 4191)
***Stacy Dreams*** $peCial you can put it anywhere $$ Dnt miss out! Call now - 23
(Bronx, Upper west Manhattan and Bronx area)
ALL FLAT RATES!!!! 3 NEW Specials!!! HOT & READY - BOOK Ruby Royce!!---» CALL 773-584-2551 - 22
(Western Illinois)
(Orange County)
The heat index is somewhere between OMG and WTF: no strings attached
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, Peoria, Rockford, Southern Illinois, Springfield, Western Illinois, everywhere)
* ___ GORGeOUS ___ *!* EXoTIC *!* ___ BLAcK BArBIE ___*LAsT DAyS HeRE!!! - 21
(Anaheim, Disney Area)
I'm GREAT for a DATE i'm Caucasian young and full of life MY PLACE ONLY NOT YOURS - 25
(Chicago, homewood lansing forest park crete, South Chicagoland)
% SupEr Thick JuiCY BoOTy % HiPs + ThIghs + AzZZ .. HoTt PreTty GuRl .. IncAllS - 24
_-:¦:-_ EXOTIC HOTTIE _-:¦:-_ 100% REAL _-:¦:-_ TRINDADIAN _-:¦:- _ SPECIALS_-:¦:-_ - - 19
Do you wanna be HAPPY? ** Exotic Beauty ...Supreme, Erotic Massage - 28
(near 605, 22, and 405 fwys./LongBeach)
*** Tired Of Playing Games?? Make Your Next Call The BEST Call *** Beautiful Blonde Playmate!! - 34
💘💦💧Midnight Madness Up All Night💧💦💘 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston and surrounding areas In/Out)
💖Dominatrix COCO💖Gorgeous IRISH playmate💖💯REALPICS💖 - 24
(Downey, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Van nuys, reseda, Noho, hollywood, sylma)
;*EXa CtL y; *WhA t*;*Yo U*; *NE eDSPECIALS!! - 19
(Lake Forest, Irvine, Mission, Aliso Viej)
_________ __________ ________ MARIA ____ LA ____ MEXICANA _____ CULONA _____ ___________ ___________ - 69
(Houston, TU VEN A MI CASA)
It's about DESIRE not just the deed! Highly reviewed s+x goddess! - 31
(Town center, Virginia Beach)
Steph HOTT n Freak Slim Mami 💋 😘💋🍆🍆🍆Bronx inCalls Only 347-367-4986😘❤️❤️🍆🍆 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Uptown)
!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! EaRly ~*~ Birds ~*~ SPECIAL ~*~ I DoUbLE ~*~ YoUr ~*~ TImE !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! - 21
(Costa Mesa)
eSpEcIaL 50 __________ ★ RUBY ★ __________ Solo Hablo Espanol __________ LLAMAME - 26
(Orange County, ANAHEIM ⏠⎠)
: : : : : : : : : : : _M0ST_ { §€XXi€§T } _CHiCK_ 0N _TH€ _N€T ! _: : : : : : : : : : : : - 24
(Columbus, In/OutCall 270-23)
▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃▂ Spoil Yourself with this Korean ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃ MAJOR SPECIALS ALL D/N ▂▃▄▅▆▇✿▇▆▅▄▃ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis inCALLSout)
§EDUCT!VE__ *!*V!P*!*__ *!*AS!AN + LAT!NA*!*__ *!*BOMBSHELL ..$1OO.OO §PEC!AL*!*__*!* AMAZ!NG §KiLL§ - 20
DA' 48FFF-26-62 BOOTY Is In L.A # 1 Rich & Thick & Chocolate BADUNKADUNK Ever! Life Changing BOOTY! - 23
Long legs long hair baby blues. Kiss me!!! - Outcall - 35
(Ashtabula, Athens, Columbus, Outcall Downtown, South, West, North, Tuscarawas County, Zanesville/Cambridge)
LOVE DOLL SEXY star hot : 36 25 38 GALLERIA - heights - DOWNTOWN - sugarland - 20
【LeT Me】▬【MAkE】▬╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬❎❎❎▬【REALITY】 - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, INCALL/OUTCALL, Mansfield)
💄💄💋Come play with 💋💋miss pretty hazel💄💃💋💦outcalls only!!! - 23
(Bellflower, Bellflower Norwalk Downey Lakewood, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
Lots of love&affection;💏new pics! Boy toys👅 - 34
(45&1960, Spring, The Woodlands, Conroe,, Houston, The Woodlands)
💆👅👄😍100% Latinas Sensuales. Sexy and Young Girls 💆👅👄😍 - 23
(Bell gardens,downey,southgate,cudahy, Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
. ★ . 1 of A KiND . ★ . ExXxOTiC . ★ . ABSOLuTELY GoRGeOUs . ★ . - 20
#1 SGV Top Provider🌸🌸🌸(( GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N __ (( Incalls - 21
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, walnut, Rowland heights, puente hills)
🌞🍓💜Ven A Pasar Su Tiempo Con Una💚😻👑Hermosa💄💋💎 Latina💕🍭DISPONIBLE 24/7⌚Numero☎415 571 3713 - 27
(East Bay, Hayward, 💜Hayward💜 💠🏪🌅DISPONIBLE 24/7🌃🏪💠)